Hi there!

Hi Josey! I have google translate to the left, if you are interested in checking out my blog from time to time ;)
Just click on "Välj språk" and pick "engelska".
I hope you can understand the "google translate-English" 'cause it really doesn't spell so good..
Well, this is my life in Sweden!
Feel free to comment  :)   Enjoy! :D<3

Postat av: Josey

Hi Sara. This is Josey. I saw the pictues of you, and I think we look like twins! lol thats pretty cool, so I'll send you a picture of me so you can see what I look like! well, I've got to go start my algebra homework,so I'll talk with you later! btw, cool blog!

2010-01-27 @ 01:35:01

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